Kayla Barthelme

I started Soul Creations as a way of sharing my deep passion for the plant world with those who wish to invite a deeper knowing of plant medicine into their lives. Honoring plants as our teachers connects us to our ancestors and instills a truth that is buried deep within each and every one of us.

For the past 10 years I have been studying, researching, growing, tasting, and hanging out with plants. My journey began as an undergraduate studying Conservation Biology at SUNY-ESF where I spent many of my days wandering through forests being introduced to the plants, animals, and insects around me. I soon found myself working at organic farms where I learned to grow my own food and medicine. I have traveled far and wide in search of more knowledge and a deeper understanding of the natural world.

Soul Creations was created to gather my knowledge, experience and inspirations into a tangible gift that I can share with the world. I hope you are able to take something beautiful from this personal offering and carry the healing forward.

My offerings include handcrafted, seasonally inspired herbal remedies, classes, workshops, and one on one consultations.